Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Christmas Spirit?

Mornin World.......How's it goin? I'm fine thanks. Let me expell a little about the so called Christmas Spirit these days. OK? Thanks.
The other day I was talkin on the phone with a business person about a time sheet I had just faxed to a company. At the conclusion of our business I wished the woman on the other end of the line a " Merry Christmas", and she replied in kind....during the conversation I was standing in a small foyer at the front of the building as I had to use my cell phone to conduct this business rather than my company phone....as I was ending the conversation a woman approached the door. Being the gentleman that I am I opened the door for her just as I was wishing the person on the other end of the conversation a "Merry Christmas".
The woman I had opened the door for stopped looked at me touched my fore arm and said" The correct wish should have been 'Happy Holiday' sir...." and then she went up the stairs to an office I suppose.
Ya know what? Number one it was none of her business as to what I was saying on the telephone. Number two it's Christmas so then, the correct and proper greeting is "Merry Christmas"....not "Happy friggin Holiday". Ok....OK....I know the Holiday actually means Holy day. Fine....but which one? Easter? Passover? Hannaka? Lent? Those are all Holy days.....If Christians believe in Christ, why then should they have to capitulate and give a generic greeting on their celebration of the birth of Christ? In the words of this author "it's all bullshit" . This debate takes away from what Christians are supposed to be celebrating....and thats the gift of GIVING, just for the sake of it, and the celebration that the baby Jesus had been born.
So politically correct lady in the doorway foyer, go pound salt up your you know where and friggin have a Merry Christmas.
With that I shall end this pontification about the nuances of Christmas Greetings, and to paraphrase a great reporter of our time......

Good Day and Good Luck,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the correct response" Who the hell is she to call you incorrect? Hillary Clinton?

The woman's a stone fool.

Merry Christmas, bud.
I say it too.

Merry Christmas, again, for the West Coast Liberals

8:17 AM  

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