Thursday, December 22, 2005

Union Troubles

Hey everyone, only three days to Christmas, yipee kiyea! How would ya like to be in New York City right now with the strike going on? Nope not me, no thanks. Hey...I belong to a union at the place I work at, I work for a school system, and I can't strike, or at least walk off the job. I can picket and protest in a peaceful manor non disruptive to the everyday operation of the school system.
Now I can sympathize with the men and women that work for the MTA in New York, not being appreciated. I can understand about the pension contributions too, companies and public employers are all feeling the crunch.The state of our economy is terrible. Who isn't feeling the crunch. If you aren't your either filthy rich, don't give a damn, or live on the Great Coral Reef. where was I ? OK sympathy for the men and women of the MTA....OK, now on CNN I was reading the comments of some of the commuters who have been directly affected by the strike. Their comments ranged from taking it in stride to " Hey the sons a bitches are geting paid more than the cops...what the frig do they want?" I haven't actually been able to verify how much these people actually get paid, but I'm sure it ain't a small piece of change. Anyway........I think unions can be a good thing and they can also be a liability to the livelyhoods of it's members, as in this case. Going out on strike knowing full well that it's illegal isn't going to help your cause, especially in New York City, and especially the week before Christmas. It tends to make ALL people not have a sense of humor about the situation and in this case may deminish the amount of sympathy other working people may have for those involved in the union. In this case the MTA in New York City. POOP!!!!! Who the hell typed that in there? Goddamit Brian, knock off the shit!!!!
OK, back to my expounding on the MTA strike. Believe me, I don't know what I would do in their situation. I really don't think I'd want to be fined three days of work for everyday that I was out on strike. Not good for the old paycheck.....anyway, just my musings about the MTA strike formed from what I can glean from the internet news services.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all........



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The average (average!) TWU member makes $63,000 a year PLUS 50 percent benefits. You can't make that at BOCES.

TWU screwed NY'ers for a billion on that illegal strike.

To hell with the lot of them. They make more than a rookie cop and a first year teacher in NYC combined.

8:15 AM  

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