Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sometimes.....I just have to wonder

Hello everyone, hope your holiday weekend was good. Mine was...thanks for asking. ANYWAY, I guess this will be from my bikers point of view.
I just got my Harley rebuilt. The whole engine is brand new with the exception of the fly wheels and the engine cases. What this means to you non-biker types is that I have to break the engine in. This means no running it over 2500 rpm. This translates to approximately 53 MPH in 5th gear while traveling the highway.
I had occasion to make a run to Syracuse New York from the Binghamton area. I decided that the most direct route would be to run Rt 81. (big mistake) I got on the higway, stayed in the right hand half of the right lane, kept the tach at 2500 rpm, and tried to mind my own business.
I got to about exit 7 I think, I noticed drivers passing me on the left. Low and behold many of them were displaying a prominent middle finger. Apparently my 2500/rpm 53 mph didn't meet the parameters of their road trip requirements. I know it was a holiday weekend, and I know everyone was in a hurray Friday afternoon, but come on people. It's a dual lane highway, the posted speed limit is 65 miles per hour, and there is NO posted minimum speed limit. Now I know why these people were giving me the finger. They were obviously of limited intelligence, or at least experiencing a moment of limited intelligence. That and they were in a hurray and were pissed because they had to wait a few seconds to get into the left lane, to pass me, because of the heavy traffic.
Now many people will say that, well....you could have gone the back roads. Yes I very well could have gone the back roads or side roads or I could have hired a helicopter to transport my Harley to Syracuse.
Basically......many,many people are stupid. Most don't know they are stupid. So, as a result of this, I had to suffer their rath of finger giving. I feel if thats the worst thing that happen on an otherwise uneventful trip, then it was a success. You ask then, Why do you write about it? I say...because I can.
Now.......I have another question for my fellow bikers. What is the fascination with the wearing of the NAZI style helmut ? Really.....I'd like to know. What is it with certain bikers that feel they have to associate themselves with the Nazi's. The helmut looks just like the helmut the Nazi soldiers wore during the blitzkrieg, during the D Day invasion, when so many of the German soldiers killed the Allied troops breaching the beach head. Why would you want to wear the same style helmut of the troops that sent 6 million people, innocent people, to their deaths. Everytime I see someone wearing a helmut styled like the one the Nazi's wore, I say, there goes another Nazi......or so it appears. Seems this year I've seem more than ever.
Now I know that it's our right to freedom of speech, and the right to express ourselves in this country. I'm not saying you can't wear the Nazi style helmut, what I'm asking........Is WHY? Why wear it? It don't look that cool to me........

Have a good day and good luck.............



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