Thursday, May 11, 2006

...and the political pundits(or hacks) say Bush doesn't cater to the wealthy

Yup! They went and extended good ole boy Bush's tax cuts. Yes it will effect my income. I can expect to see another whole $46.00 in my tax return next year. Hey with my $100.00 gas relief return Congress wants to give me, if I play my cards right I can get a tire for my Harley. Wow! Wouldn't that be great. Opps, I forgot that Congress decided not to do the gas relief thing, I guess it cost to much.
Now if you make over a Million bucks a year, you will get a net savings well over $40,000.00. I'm glad to see that President Bush has my elderly moms interest in his heart. She don't even make $20,000.00 a year with what little pension she gets and social security. Thanks George, you got such a big heart, and thanks to Congress for extending those tax cuts. I'm sure your big pay check earners and the special interest groups you guys entertain thank you too.
Hats off to Lou Dobbs, just read his piece on the immigration issues on CNN. Nice job Lou, keep up the good work. Not that Bush will listen to you or anyone else....remember, he has the DEVINE connection with whatever.
DAMN!!!! What the F*&% has happened to this country?
IS ANYONE OUTRAGED? ANYONE!!!???? I know life ain't Burger King and we can't always have it OUR way, but damn!!!! We are gettin shit on all over buy this President and his administration. We have a Vice president that made millions off a war he was instrumental in concocting......and no one is pissed?
Gunner Cheney pisses and moans about patriotism, yet he and an aide are the front runners in the race as suspects in an investigation into the outing of a CIA agent. Screw Cheney and Libby.
Then we have good ole Congress, they too must think the American public are morons, or asleep, or comatose. The idiots in Congress, both parties, couldn't find their asses with both hands if they had to.
Well, I've spouted off enough, I need to go put my Harley together and get straight with myself. I'm not sorry about what I write, but I'm pissed. Plenty pissed. This is bullshit, and we are expected to sit and take it. Makes me want to relinquish my right to vote, seems it doesn't do any good anymore, politicians are in it for their own agendas, and screw the people who put'm there. The fore fathers of this country must be turning over in their graves, ashamed of the government and what it is today. I know I'm ashamed of the US government. I certainly don't feel they have our nations best interest at heart. How very sad, that I have to put this in print.

At any rate, have a good day.......



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