Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What's next?

Good morning all. As you can see I'm just sitting here wondering what the devil is next in line for the United States.
We are in a war that we can't seem to bring to any thing that resembles a conclusion. We are being governed by a "lame duck" president who's numbers are approaching some of the lowest we've seen in awhile.
There is a developing "nuclear threat" from an entire country of islamic people who a vast majority of their population wish terrorism upon our sand covered heads.( Yes folks, most of us here in the US have our heads in the sand or up inside another body cavity).
Our Congress is politically ineffective because there is so much in fighting, and possibly corruption. The jury is still out on the corruption part.....I guess. Who knows.
The President is making changes in his administration for who knows what reason(s). Yes, the White House administration "outs" one of it's own spies, swears the perpatraitor of the act will be dealt with. A special prosecutor is assigned, and what happens. The "outing" leads right back to the top levels of the United States what do pundits in charge do, re-appoint a new head of the agency where the spy was "outed" from. NOW! theres some bold thinking. Yup, the Bushies are saying, we nippped that one on the ear didn't we.
Our government has to look like the biggest clown act to the rest of the world since I don't know when. Ya sure it's easy for me to sit here and throw insults at the current administration, make fun of them and what have you....but ya know what? I'm tired of it.
Every news agency on line shows political hacks stating this about that, how they are going to change things and it's business as usual. Nothing changes, the economy worsens, or world position slips more and more everyday. The citizenship of the United States suffers more and more.
The governments response to the Gulf coast has been less than a half assed attempt, I mean they haven't even tried to appease the people affected. However they did bring charges against a Law Enforcement official who did the right thing for the people in his parish.
The press highlights the last letter sent to Bush from Ahmadinejad about him wanting to be God buddies with Bush. Did they forget about Bush saying he had a direct connection to God? Hey! who knows, maybe they could pray together and release some of the political tensions between the two countries.( You think I'm being sarcastic?).
Anyway......I do wonder whats next for us. I still say we're all in it together, and I do wonder when, loud and clear, public out cry will begin? I guess when some people get the sand or the shit cleaned out of their ears........



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