Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I just don't know what to say some times...I really don't.

It's really been a sad week, or maybe a couple of sad weeks actually.
It was recently in the news that the two "Mafia Cops" were found guilty of the charges aledged against them. What a blow to law enforcement nation wide. There was obviously enough eveidence to make a jury believe that they were guilty. Do I trust the jury system......I think I do.....but sometimes I question the verdicts I see across the nation. I think maybe it's not the system of a jury I question, but the way the criminal justice system works sometimes. I guess I would classify it as the inconsistencies in the justice system as a whole.
If these two ex-cops are guilty, then lock'm up, throw away the key. Maybe someone some where can learn something from it for the benefit of society as a whole.....lets hope so.
Now last week I reported that there were a couple of Hells Angels that got shot up in Connecticut, one was fatally wounded. The other was some what a lot less injured and survived his wounds. Ok.....upon connecting with some prominent law enforcement colleagues I have learned that it was a rival outlaw motorcycle club that probably did the shooting. Regardless of who the shooters were, it was still definately a cowardly act, that killed one, wounded one, and endangered many, many others. So.....it just goes to show how brave these "Gang" members are. Nice going guys.....and I mean that in the most sarcastic manner as I can muster.
I also see that Mr. Libby is in the news again. He now says that he leaked the information that caused the outing of Valarie Plame because the President said it was OK. I smell another coward here.....I see this as a ploy to throw things so far out of wack, that it will force the prosecution to called the President and Vice President as witness's, and it will just muck up the whole process, create a political subtrafuge or quagmire and the point of the whole incident will be lost in translation during the judicial process.....and no one will end up being held accountable.
Now if that were a layman on trial for an equal or lateral crime, the jury would already be in and they would be on their way to a state or federal prison......because it is people of prominent alledged importance in the nations capitol, they get special treatment. We in some form or another are probably paying for their defense too, don't doubt it.
I'm not going to say it will be interesting to see how it comes out, because it won't be interesting, it will be disgusting how the other lawyers and judges will cater to these people of importance, and justice will be once again be difused, dissected, and not dealt with. The guilty will walk away free, and unvindicated.
The rest of the government is entangled in the illegal alien debate...er excuse me...guest worker issue. Sorry...I'm not politically correct.( SO WHAT!)
Ok, I've ranted enough for today I guess, so with that.....

Have a good day and good luck......



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