Thursday, May 18, 2006

Perception and word games

Hello everyone, lets stay frosty and watch them corners. OK....lets see...where was I?....Oh yah........The Senate has approved of President Bushs speech about the "illegals" being in the country. They have voted to give them amnesty. Like it or not, call it what you want...." a shot at citizenship"'s amnesty. Hey look! When the tax collector says your taxes are due....and sometimes ya don't have all the money....they give you amnesty....a chance to pay your taxes later.
Well part of the bill says that the "illegals" will have to get proper jobs and pay back taxes...."PAY BACK TAXES"(taxes previously owed).....DUH!!!! thats a form of amnesty. They are going to give 12 million illegal aliens "AMNESTY" Friggin smug bastards.......and it's for the good of the country......ya right......they are mining votes for the Republican party is what they are doing.
MEANWHILE back at the ranch.........they(the military pundits) are having discussions about about POWS and interrogation techniques. It has been reported that the Bushies like to take" UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACHS TO GAIN TIMELY INFORMATION" in interrogating participants from the other side in our war against terror. I think a more appropiate term would apply.......TORTURE.......YA! folks thats what they are talking about......"unconventional approachs to gain timely information" is the politically correct terminology for torture. Yup....uh-huh it is.
Just like saying the "undocumented" instead of "illegal aliens". Now lets not forget to give President Bush credit for his part in all this as he endorses all these ideas. I mean really, how nice he wants to sooth everyones worries. I mean after all his buddy Karl Rove told the Hill that the President doesn't want to discourage anyone from crossing the border from Mexico into the United States to make a better life..........SOOOOOOOO.....lets send 6,000 National Guard troops to the border with Mexico, and lets build a great big fence, a triple layer great big fence.........I mean really......would that be a discouraging image to anyone that might think they can just waltz right through the border and become better just for being in America.
Give me a break.....really.....they show the squalor and bad conditions these immigrants come into when they cross the border.......well guess what???!!! DON"T COME THEN!!!!! Morons......stay in Forrest Gump said....."stupid is as stupid does"....gee I think we could apply that to Washington politics too.
Now lets not forget this guy.......Rep. Harold Rogers Republican Kentucky. This guy is in charge of Congress' Homeland Security Budgit, it has been said this guy is an" exemplary figure of Congressional disgrace" he has plied companies with tax payer money, held up ID cards for Homeland Security defense personel at great expense. He has been given trips to Hawaii, California, and Ireland, so on and so what I wonder is.......what is this asshole still doing in Congress? Really I do. Why isn't his lame stupid ass in prison some where?
Yet it continues, everyone is more concerned with terminology, the rights of illegal aliens in our midst, and offending people that haven't even entered or tried to enter our country yet.
I mean lets not concern our selves with the myriad of wounded service men and women returning from Iraq, lets not help them get rehabilitated, or oriented back to life in these United States. Lets not do something about getting people BORN here health care. Lets spend billions of dollars trying to get social security to illegal aliens. Christ this country is screwed up, it really is.
Good news is my Harley should be almost ready to ride this afternoon....maybe that will help to improve my less than even outlook on our grand nation. I actually just don't like the present leadership we have, they don't have much where with all to see what they are doing wrong....OH Well....a deep subject........get it?

Hey everyone, have a great day and good luck........



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