Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It is what it is, no gettin around it.......

Hello everyone, I got some more bitchin to do. Yup and it's about Bush. Sorry, but I'm just sick of his crap. (* note: I'm a registered Republican, but don't know how much longer)
OK....he says that he's sending our already over worked and underpaid National Guard to the Southern Border. He says they are going there for logistical support of the Border Patrol.........Ya.....So what!!! If they are going to be logistical support only, then what good is it to send 6,000 troops to the border? We need to close the borders, stop the infiltration of illegal aliens into our country. Yes folks I said "illegal aliens", not guest workers, not the "undocumented" as some "politically correct " pundits have named the illegals.
They have come to us illegally, they work here in violation of labor laws, at the behest of people willing to break the law to hire them. Yet Bush and Gunner Cheney want to make them citizens.( Also SCREW you Mexico, if we want to use troops to stop people coming into the US we will, you use your troops to distribute drugs to the American drug dealers, you hypocrite bastards)
On another note about the illegals. I have a fellow biker friend, he is a Puerto Rican fellow....guess what he says. When he came to America from Puerto Rico, an American protectorate, he had to get a job to stay. Prove that he had a job, and he had to prove that he could provide for his family before the government(at the time) would let him stay here. Granted that this was well over 20 years ago, but he did it. He did what he had to do to stay in the land of grand oppurtunity. He has done well for himself and his family. He is also grateful for his prosperity. He says of the "illegal aliens" that want amnesty now....It is what it is, they are illegal and they need to take their own responsibility for that, so it goes,from a Puerto Rican fellow....."it is what it is".......He says it's to bad that they were allowed to infiltrate the US as easily as they did, but now it's time to pay the piper.....and I gotta say.....I agree with him.
So Mr Bush and Gunner Cheney....don't burden me with problems that I'm not responsible for......stop trying to generate a greater voting base for the Republican party with illegal aliens, and try running the country with honesty, and integrity, rather that with smoke and mirrors, and when the smoke thins out don't stand there shrug your shoulders and say Oh well....the next guy in line can figure it you did with the troops departing Iraq.
It's time to step up to the plate Mr. Bush, however, I highly doubt that you understand that concept, you or Gunner Cheney.

Hey everyone....have a great day, and good luck,



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