Monday, January 09, 2006

I was just reading.......

Well...hello world...the New Year has arrived.....and as I was sitting here at work during a quiet moment I was reading a news story that was on ABC may be old news to some people....but I thought it was extremely disturbing.
OK......ok......I know it's miles away from here, but this I think represents what we have to look forward to as a nation unless we change the way we think.
Nuevo Laredo Texas, the Rio Grande, and Larado Texas. They all have a very big problem in common.....drugs....cocaine,marijuana,methamphetamine. Also the people that are trying to profit from the distribution of the afore mentioned drugs.....the mexican drug cartels.
The sheriff of Webb Co. R Flores makes a statement that he is out gunned( he carries and M16 in his patrol vehicle with him) as do his deputies. The badguy cartel people have AK-47s,they also have Sat. cell phones, he has cell phones, the cartel badguys have level 4 bullit proof vests, he and his men have level 3 vests. Our side has increased the number of Border Patrol Agents, this part of the border is one of the heaviest patrolled areas.
The police departments on the Mexican side are rife with corruption and complacency.
Our guys are understaffed, under paid, and under equipped to handle the onslaught of the violence and the sheer volume of drugs crossing the border.
A mexican person according to ABC News said...." the U.S. should be embarassed, our law enforcement isn't doing their job...." and....." the insatible demand that exsists, is driving the frenzy over here( in Mexico )....and thats really the problem..."
The story makes some good points I thought. It was presented as a story as it was taking place, involving characters on both sides of the border, no finger pointing, just some good reporting.
My point for bringing this up.....a good question......I guess it just pisses me off, being retired law enforcement. Why do we have to have our guys always being on the defensive.
People say you can't go around violating our civil rights.....bullshit....when we have badguys aggressively and openly coming across the border and openly turning our border towns into killing grounds, we as Americans...especially Americans wearing a badge and carrying a gun have the right to take strong decisive action. The only problem is these poor guys aren't getting the help they need from the people that count, the people that put them there.....POLITICIANS. This isn't a Republican issue or a Democrate issue. Damnit it's time this country woke up, put their collective devisive issues aside and start doing whats right.
Give our Border Cops the equipment, the authority, and the logistics to fight these Godless thugs and put them where they belong....6 feet under.... Because believe me these people don't give a rats ass about anyone, so lets meet'm on their own terms, see how long they last.....
Just an opinion from a pissed off, retired ex-police officer.....So Bush, Murtha, Pelosi, and Cheny...get your shit toghether and do the right thing for once.....lets really protect the homeland.......
So long for now and lets hope this new year gets better than it has started........



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