Monday, February 27, 2006

People with "BIG" egos

Hello everyone, haven't posted in some time. Today I'm going to talk about people with larger than life egos. You know who I'm talking about. The guy or gal that has a job, and they constantly insert themselves into other employees business just to show how damn important they are....when in reality they aren't.
A little back ground... My significant other was working two jobs, both part time. She has been searching for a full time job for approximately 36 months, and finally found one, and a pretty good one at that. Now for the rest of the story. The one job she was working at was for a temp. service. She was hired to supplement the security contingent at a Central New York State hardware store that is closing all it locations across the state. Her job was to sit at the ENTRANCE, give people a yellow dot or tag if the were bringing merchandise into the store for what ever reason. To say the least this is an extremely boring job, like watching grass grow. The store she was at wasn't extremely busy, so it kinda dragged on.
I don't live near where she does, it's about a 90 minute trip for me (traveling at approximate 72 MPH,yes I know I'm breaking the law). SO I try to see her once in the middle of the week and on weekends. I usually arrive in her neighborhood around 5 or 5:30.(yup still back ground) So I would go and visit her for awhile at her boring security job. Now mind you the MANAGEMENT at this particular location had no problem with me being there and talking to her. I think they would rather that, than her sitting in her chair dosing off(which did happen) particular Friday night I was there for about an hour, there were absolutely no customers in the store. She and I both had discussions with a few of the other employess in the store, and the MANAGER was aware of my presence. After I left, a male employee of the store, a LOSS PREVENTION SPECIALIST that works for the parent company of the store that was closing, admonishes my girl for having me there. Telling her that it isn't professional and to stop and desist in the VISITATIONS while she is working. Mind you she was furious, as this guy has no supervisory capacity, he is a LOSS PREVENTION SPECIALIST. So at the time she still had no job prospects on and she really needed the job she had, so we agreed that my visists to the store while she was working would end.
Several, yes several weeks later, it was her last day on her so called security job. The temp agency had promised her employment until the end of March, but the parent company didn't want to keep the positions terminated, not just my girls, but all related positions. No two weeks notice, nothing, just your done as of Friday. Well it wasn't really that big a deal as she had just landed her new job.
Anyway.......she wanted me to come and see her since it was her last night there, so I said cool. I stopped picked her up a coffee. I was there about 40 minutes I think, well we are talking and I see a light flashing in my girls face, I turn around and here is this guy standing there, shining a flashlight innher face. Then the guys again admonishs her for having visitors. Now this guy is dresses like a wanna be street thug. Big baggy blue jeans, a watch cap, and a red security jacket.
Now....does this sound like professional conduct to you? Well believe me it wasn't. Know what else......It really pissed me off. Here is this weasel of a puke, inserting himself into a matter that, that is not under his pervue. Hence his ego is telling him he is more important than he really is.
I don't get pissed often, but I do get pissed. My anger with this asshole went to about 7.5 magnitude. I wnated a piece of this guy. The little crack dweller!
I'm no herculean behemoth, but I can handle myself. I can't believe this guy. He really didn't think he did anything wrong. All I can say is I thank my lucky stars that my girl just up and walked out, if I had stayed there, an incident would have followed. Mr. " LOSS PREVENTION" should also be greatful, for our quick exit, as he would get tired of drinking his meals through a straw in some nursing home or extended care facility....after he recovered from the severve beating I would have issued to him.
I know about now you are saying....."c'mon Chris, a little tolerence goes along way......" Ya know what, NO IT DOESN'T. Not with assholes like this dude. He's a wanna abe, he will step on anyone, do anything he can to make someone else look bad so he looks good. When I said I was going to complain to his boss, they all said that don't do it man. She loves the guy, he snitches everyone out at the other stores, then relays everything to his boss so she gets ahead up on all the alledged, notice I say alledged misdeeds of the other employees. I say this because I don't think this guy has any sense of himself or the real world.
At any rate, the incident is passed, it still pisses me off when I think about it. I gues we can only hope this low life crack dweller gets run over by a truck, and won't bother anyone anymore.......he thanks for reading.....coming at you soon.

Have a great day and good luck,



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