Friday, February 17, 2006

Whats real, and what isn't?

Good morning everyone....appears as though I'm starting a board meeting. Maybe I am, a board meeting of one.......ME!
Day after day I read the news, I view news clips of this and that. I read the pontifications expelled by the political pundits. I can't help but ask myself, whats real and what isn't. There is just so much crap in the news today, and most of it we could do with out. I mean I know bad things happen to people all the time, but does every " SPECIAL INTEREST" story about every horrific murder have to fill the spaces of the news services? I know we have become a society of instant gratification, but CRIEGHTON!!!???, do we have to hear about every damn incident? Then again maybe we remind us that the world is full of horrific predators waiting and lurking, planning their next scathing kidnapping, and or a muder to silence a potential witness to their act of desperation.
I think the politicals love it, because it takes the focus off them and the particular piece of wool that they are trying to pull down over the American publics eyes. They hope that all the bad and horrific news stories will act as a subtrafuge until they have completed their manipulation of the political system.....and no one will notice.....until it's to late and all is said and done.
Then we have the sect of politicals who just don't give a damn about what they do, feel they are immune to public opinion and pressure, and just jam their programs down the publics perverbial throats.......
I speak out here as a forum to voice my opinion, does it matter? Yes it does to me. Will it make a difference? To be realistic, I doubt it. Then again I don't know that, nor does anyone else. I just get sick and tired of seeing things happen that shouldn't happen in a democracy. I'm tired of hearing the political pundits say...."thats what democracy is all about!!!" Sorry wrong. I think many people that are the powers that be have abused their powers. Some of it has been made public, but I truely believe that there is a lot of indescretions and abuse of power that we don't know about and probably never will. Just because we don't know about them doesn't make them any less dangerous, and they are still a threat to our democracy.
Politicians will say anything to get elected, then turn their backs after they are elected and say with a straight face......."I never said that, or It was taken out of context"....what baloney.
Our country is in trouble, real trouble, and people just go along and think, well this isn't that bad, or it's not as bad as it seems. That sentiment will take us to a place we don't want to be....and that place is fast approaching.

With that...have a great day, and good luck!



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