Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Oh for Chrissss Sakes........

......hello fellow humane beings.......the headlines have got me pissed. I mean lets get a life in this country.
We got the mideast coming apart at the seams. Israel is bombing the shit outta Hezbollah, and vice a versa. The two Koreas are shooting small arms at each othe(ya just gotta know that will blow up into something bigger).
.....and what do we hear about? Mel Gibson gets arrested for DUI or DWI, cusses out the arresting officers, makes some anti Jewish remarks(probably do to his level of intoxication). The cops do there best, arrest the guy. Like the one deputy involved said, all I wanted to impress on Mr.Gibson was that the next time he drinks, he doesn't get behind the wheel of a car. OK fine.
The medias take.....ITS A COVER UP!!!!! The cops are trying to hide the fact that Gibson said naughty things about the Jewish people. Well guess what? There is a case against Mr. Gibson, the details of the conversations between the arresting officers are privilaged until the case is disposed of in a court of law. It's no ones business who said what until a verdict has been reached in court. If the officers were to release the information about who said what, that would jepordise Mr. Gibsons chances of getting a fair trial, if it goes that far. Aside from that....who Fu&%ing cares what Mel said? I for one don't. I'm more worried about the price of rising fuel costs and heating my house this winter. The costs of the medical attention my Senior mother gets......things that no one else seems to give a rats ass about.
But OH BOY OH BOY, lets work our selves up into a tizzy because a drunkin movie star and director got caught drunk driving, said some demeaning things about Jewish people, and the cops are trying to cover it up.......
I'm friggin sorry, give me a goddamn break, the press are assholes for blowing it up the way they did.
OH...and Mel!!??? Shame on you.....grow the you know what up...don't be drinkin and driving, and stop knockin the Jews. If anything, they need our support right now, especially in Israel. Thats right, I hope they kick the shit out of Hezbollah, and any other fanatical nut that tries to kidnap their soldiers.
Belive me, if our present administration had backed our soldiers in Iraq the way the government in Israel does their soldiers, we wouldn't be in the fix with all the shit our soldiers are getting accused of. Mark my words.
OK....I'm done....no more ranting today........

Have a good day and good luck........



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