Thursday, August 10, 2006

Please explain to me .....WHAT GIVES!!!???

Well....where do I begin? With G Bush, the media,or politics in general?
What the hell, here goes.......Bush is declaring once again mission accomplished. I'm referring to his Southern Border mission.
According to statistics, the deployment so far of the National Guard has only put 250 Border Patrol agents back on the border. Well sorry Bush, that ain't mission accoplished, nor are the statistics of how many illegals were stopped from coming accross[ the border] during this time, nor is the amount of drugs seized since the National Guard program started. So how does he get away with stating mission accomplished? I know how....yup uh huh I really do. The general American public is so fed up, so distracted, and so besides them selves that they don't care anymore( good for George bad for us good guys). The American general public has no faith in their leader and they are just waiting until the next election.
It may also be any combination of things that keep us distracted. I'll give you an example: Ms. Connie, age 40 w/f with two teenage sons. She has a full time job( no benefits). She just lost the health insurance issued by New York State because she has had a permanent job for more than 4 months. She takes home about 320.00 a week. Now if she wants to continue her health insurance for her and her sons, it will cost her about 1200.00 a month. That will leave her about 176.00 a month to pay her mortage, car insurance,taxes, food bills, and heat and utilities. Because she works FULL TIME, she isn't qualified for any other New York State benefits. She has taken the time to write all her political representatives. Guess how many responded to her to explain why she isn't allowed any help from the government? NOT ONE ASSHOLE elected official contacted her. Not one. If I sound outraged I am, surprised I'm not.
It's another example of politicians who will say anything to get elected, then turn their backs on the constituents once elected. Ms. Clinton is probably still worried about the treatment of women in Afganistan rather than the treatment of single working moms in New York State.
Now for the media!!!.... Just look at what the media considers as important news these days.......Gibsons anti semetic remarks and R. Williams is in alcohol rehab. I'm not knocking these guys who struggle with substance abuse. I had a problem with alcohol, still do, so I address it each and every day, quietly, and I move on. They need to do the same. Enough said about that.
So I blame the media partly for the nations woes. They spend so much time delving into the lives of entertainers, it saturates the media market with so much bullshit, ya can't keep up.
The we have the politicians. Now Lieberman got beat up in Conn. by Lamont. It was a pretty simple reason. Liberman had coyed up to Bush, the constituents didn't like it, they pretty much made it loud and clear to Lieberman, the booted him. So what does Lieberman do. He's gonna run on the independant ticket in the fall election. What a Jackass, talk about not being accountable for your actions. I wanna say this to Joe. "Ya dumbass, ya lost, take your medicine and go the F home. Running on the independant ticket, which is your right, just muddies the waters. "
Politicians just aren't to bright sometimes.....SOMETIMES!!!???? ALL the time.
It's the shit like this that takes the focus off the important issues.
So....I guess I've said enough for now, the race in Conn. really isn't any of my business, I just wanted to use it as an example of the bullshit politics of the present era.
Not that anyone reads this, but to those who do....
Have a good day and good luck.......



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