Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I hate to say it........but........

It seems American politicians want it both ways these days. Now I'm no Bush fan by any means, and the Democrates don't seem to have their shit together either, so that kinda leaves me in the wind I'd say.
Lets review the DPW port deal. OK, six ports in the United States all on the east coast are now run by a company not in the confines of the United States(surprise,surprise). It's run by a British firm. So DPW buys up the franchise to run the ports from the British company or the purchased the British company, or Dell computers bought them all out.( I don't know the exact logistics of the deal is what I'm saying). At anyrate, the deal with ports is under fire.
President Bushs or the White House first reaction was that Bush didn't know about the deal. Then Bush gets on the podium and says the next day that there is absolutely no threat to the security and sovereignty of the United States borders.(Just ask the Border Patrol about the security and sovereignty of our borders in the southwest) Ok George, what ever you say. Now in the Bush administrations defense. According to different articles I have read, the Dubai government has been instrumental in helping the U.S. cause for the war on terrorism. Yes it is true that funds for the attacks on 9/11 were funneled through Dubai banks, but lets not forget that some of those funds came from the Saudi's. So how much of the fear we as Americans are fueling this debate with is realized, and how much is supposed?
The Republicans are now taking a bead on their own leader, the democrats are fueling the debate with doubts about the port deals. The infighting is intensifying, and our government is doing what? My opinion, getting weaker, and weaker, and weaker. Day by day the fight continues. The gaps in both houses get wider, the finger pointing goes both ways boys and girls.
We as a nation need to get our shit "TOGETHER".
Lets not forget the men and women in uniform over in Iraq, where it seems civil war is about to raise it's ugly head. Our people that haven't truely been caught in the cross fire are about to be. We have major concerns here inside our borders with health care, taxes, the rich getting richer, and the rest of us getting left behind.
Our country will probably be atacked again by terrorists. I think it's only a matter of time. I also think, as I have said before, we need to focus. This is a message we need to relay to our leaders. If the government continues it's in fighting, it weakens our status on a global basis, we will become ineffectual in our attempts to exert our worldly influence, and like it or not we do need to do this. We can't live with our heads in the sand, because our asses will stick up in the air, and they will surely be the next best target for whom ever.
So, I think we need to let our elected officials know exactly where we stand, do it with a letter, start on the local level, and work our way up the political food chain. I mean really.....CAN"T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!???

Hey!!!! Have a great day, and good luck.......



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