Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Let them and their families rest in peace....PLEASE!!!

......I just saw a news report about the funerals of some of our slain soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. A very disturbing account of what our nation has come to. I don't care if you agree about the war or not, but what I'm about to relate needs to stop, and stop immediately.
Apparently there is a group or groups of war protesters that like to attend the funerals of soldiers killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq. When they attend the funerals they don't do it out of respect to the slain soldiers. They carry signs that say..."God Loves a dead Soldier".....apparently in some cases the signs have read to the effect, "I'm glad your son or daughter died in the war..." I don't know about anyone else, but I feel this conduct is an insult to many, many things the United States of America stands for, what a black eye this gives our country.
I understand that we are a democracy. I think I understand this more adroitly than a lot of people. I don't have a problem with war protestors. However....to use the death of American men and women to prove a point that most people already know.....is shameful, unpatriotic, and just plain ignorant.
Now......be for warned, if I happen to attend a military funeral, and some non descript asshole shows up with a sign that states anything close to that persons opinion that he or she is glad the individual died serving their country, or "God loves dead military people....." with or with out anyones help.....there will be trouble. I personally will not tolerate this type of behavior from fellow citizens.
It is an absolute that this type of behavior is unacceptable, and I feel that if you want to protest the war, do it elsewhere, not at the funeral of someone that dies in the service of their country......
With this said.....have a great day, and good luck....



Blogger biscuit said...

are you talking about the Fred Phelps group?
They are just about as vile as they come.. I've been spat on by some of them before.. they call themselves christians.. they are no more christian that bin laden is.. Rock and a hard place though cause they have a right to free speech too.. there are a group of motorcylce riders.. don't know if you've heard about them.. but they line up to block the protestors from view.. much like the "angels in america" during the matthew sheperd funeral (where phelps pulled the same stunt)
I don't hate much in this world.. but he and his followers are on that short list.
peace.. biscuit..
hey being a rider.. maybe you could hook up with a local group.. just a thought..

12:27 PM  
Blogger biscuit said...

hey the GOV of kentucky signed a law today, one of 5 states to do so, that would force
protesters to keep their distance from military funerals.
at least it's a start..

3:27 PM  

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