Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm no fan of H Clinton.....but this is ridiculous

Well hello there you wonderfuly worldly people, and you normal people too......just kidding. Hello everyone. I'm gonna rant so deal with it or don't. Doesn't much matter. Please read on......
Now! I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, but I just have to comment on something involving her. Seems a fellow[former mayor of Yonkers John Spencer] running for her seat in the up coming election had a TV commercial produced. In the commercial, it slants Hillary as an associate of Osama Bid Laden. Ya, ya I know, this is typical f'n political procedure. However...I can't see Hillary as an associate of Osama. Maybe she didn't vote the way others did when it came time for the reviews of the Patriot Act, but that hardly makes her an associate of Osama, or a creator of lapses of security endagering the country as a whole. Hillary's voting had nothing to do with the lack of response to the Katrina disaster, and President Bush's less than enthusiastic response to the publics outrage. What do I know.......I know I don't like the politicians playing around like school children. It takes away from the over all effectiveness of the government. These are troubling times, and we need good comprehensive governing by the people we have elected. And we just aren't getting it....NOT AT ALL.
Now lets talk about our first amendmant rights, the right to free speech. I'm referring to the story about Kevin Barrett, and the Republican Representative Steve Nass. Barret claims[ His opinion ] that the government created the attacks on the World Trade Center to effectively create a reason to go to war in the Mideast. A letter signed by 52 Wisconsin State Assemblymen, and 9 State Senators, to Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle.....states that Barretts opinions about the so called government conspriracy are DISHONEST. They are? Why? It's the guys opinion. Cryin out loud, many a Congressman are decrying the actions of our Marines in Hidatha, some calling them out right criminals, and there hasn't even been a trial. The Commander in the case hasn't yet decided wehter or not these guys are going to be charged. What about their comments, what are they?
Anyway....what ever happened to the right to free speech. I think it went out the window along with the expectation of privacy when the Patriot Act was ratified by Congress. Thats what I think. Whata ya think about that opinion NASS!!!! Is that dishonest too.....ya JACKASS!
Barrett is as entitled to his opinion as Nass is to his as I am to mine. No one, but no one can, take that away from me, Barrett, or Nass. It's our right under the Constitution of the United States, and I don't think Congress has yet acted to repeal the current Constitution as we know it today. SO!!!!! Why don't you politicians get your shit together, do something constructive, and put your actions where your mouths were when you were campaigning for the positions you were elected to.
OK...I'm done...thanks for reading.......


Monday, August 14, 2006

Peace in the Mid East......come again?

Good morning world. As it says in the title or the header of my blog....What is the world coming to?
The news services are all reporting the cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah. Now this is good, very good. I'm all for peace. I detest the killings of innocent people.....BUT!!!
What I do wonder, in the midst of all these accolades of "peace", a peace sponsered by the United States.....Why aren't people of the world asking the big, in your face question, where is the peace in Iraq.
How come the United States can thrust so much time and resource into solving the, well maybe not solving, but administering a peace brokerage, between Israel and Hexzollah. Why can't the Bush administration put this much headline grabing energy into solving the problems in Iraq? I'll tell you why..........THEY CAN"T.
Iraq has become so unstable because of our military presence, we have created an uncontrollable monster. Now the administration is afraid that if we leave, cut and run, it will get worse. And indeed it will....many many more will die. If we continue to [ in Bush's words STAY THE COURSE ] many many more US soldiers will die as will innocent Iraqi citizens.
SO... guess what good ole George will do. He will contine to stay the course. He will continue to shed more American blood along side the blood of innocent Iraqis, and when it comes time to step down as President, he will dump the whole mess in the lap of the incoming President, be the new comer Democratic or Republican. Now what really pisses me off is this. There ain't one DAMN thing anyone can do to stop this repulsive course. Our brave soldiers will still be getting killed in Iraq this time next August, mark my words. There isn't going to be a pullout or redeployment of troops to the peripheries of the conflicted area. NOPE...ain't gonna happen.
However, regardless of the fact that we have over 130,000 US troops on the ground in Iraq. Good ole George Bush feels compelled to try and bring a peace between Israel and Hezbollah. A conflict that isn't any of his business. If he can't bring peace to Iraq, what makes him and Condi Rice think they can do any better between Israel and Hezbollah? I'll tell why they think this. Both of them are arrogant political pundits who think that later on in history they will be looked upon as trend setting hereos. Uh huh, ya ok. This makes sense.
I've tried to talk to several of my coworkers and people I have conversations with on a regular basis....they just look at me with the "deer caught in the headlights look". Thats right, they have no idea or concern?... as to what I'm talking about. So it goes.......we are now the peace brokers between Israel and Hezbollah. Oh!....and by the way....I'm pro Israel, I'm on their side 100%. I don't think they should back down at all. Not one inch. I'll go even farther and say that what Israel is doing is none of our business. We are the aggressors in the Iraqi conflict. We have no right, none what so ever to tell another country they can't pick a fight with the same enemy we are fighting on the ground in Iraq. Islamic fundamentalists.
We need Israel as a friend, not an enemy. I'll just bet that George will turn Israel against us. I hope not, but he has managed to piss off the rest of the world, so why not Israel.
With that said friends..........
Have a good day and good luck......

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My hat's off to the Brits

My thanks goes out to the Law Enforcement authorities in Britain that foiled the plot to stop the idiots who were going to blow up aircraft embarking to the United States. Thanks guys job well done.
Now if we could only get our Homeland Security people here to pay attention. They had better wake up, or we are going to experience another 9/11 style attack.
The Homeland Security pundits are still probably worrying about how they look in front of the camera for photo ops, to busy to worry about terrorists and the like.
Again, thanks to Great Britain they probably saved us many, many lives.


Have a good day and good luck..............


Please explain to me .....WHAT GIVES!!!???

Well....where do I begin? With G Bush, the media,or politics in general?
What the hell, here goes.......Bush is declaring once again mission accomplished. I'm referring to his Southern Border mission.
According to statistics, the deployment so far of the National Guard has only put 250 Border Patrol agents back on the border. Well sorry Bush, that ain't mission accoplished, nor are the statistics of how many illegals were stopped from coming accross[ the border] during this time, nor is the amount of drugs seized since the National Guard program started. So how does he get away with stating mission accomplished? I know how....yup uh huh I really do. The general American public is so fed up, so distracted, and so besides them selves that they don't care anymore( good for George bad for us good guys). The American general public has no faith in their leader and they are just waiting until the next election.
It may also be any combination of things that keep us distracted. I'll give you an example: Ms. Connie, age 40 w/f with two teenage sons. She has a full time job( no benefits). She just lost the health insurance issued by New York State because she has had a permanent job for more than 4 months. She takes home about 320.00 a week. Now if she wants to continue her health insurance for her and her sons, it will cost her about 1200.00 a month. That will leave her about 176.00 a month to pay her mortage, car insurance,taxes, food bills, and heat and utilities. Because she works FULL TIME, she isn't qualified for any other New York State benefits. She has taken the time to write all her political representatives. Guess how many responded to her to explain why she isn't allowed any help from the government? NOT ONE ASSHOLE elected official contacted her. Not one. If I sound outraged I am, surprised I'm not.
It's another example of politicians who will say anything to get elected, then turn their backs on the constituents once elected. Ms. Clinton is probably still worried about the treatment of women in Afganistan rather than the treatment of single working moms in New York State.
Now for the media!!!.... Just look at what the media considers as important news these days.......Gibsons anti semetic remarks and R. Williams is in alcohol rehab. I'm not knocking these guys who struggle with substance abuse. I had a problem with alcohol, still do, so I address it each and every day, quietly, and I move on. They need to do the same. Enough said about that.
So I blame the media partly for the nations woes. They spend so much time delving into the lives of entertainers, it saturates the media market with so much bullshit, ya can't keep up.
The we have the politicians. Now Lieberman got beat up in Conn. by Lamont. It was a pretty simple reason. Liberman had coyed up to Bush, the constituents didn't like it, they pretty much made it loud and clear to Lieberman, the booted him. So what does Lieberman do. He's gonna run on the independant ticket in the fall election. What a Jackass, talk about not being accountable for your actions. I wanna say this to Joe. "Ya dumbass, ya lost, take your medicine and go the F home. Running on the independant ticket, which is your right, just muddies the waters. "
Politicians just aren't to bright sometimes.....SOMETIMES!!!???? ALL the time.
It's the shit like this that takes the focus off the important issues.
So....I guess I've said enough for now, the race in Conn. really isn't any of my business, I just wanted to use it as an example of the bullshit politics of the present era.
Not that anyone reads this, but to those who do....
Have a good day and good luck.......


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Oh for Chrissss Sakes........

......hello fellow humane beings.......the headlines have got me pissed. I mean lets get a life in this country.
We got the mideast coming apart at the seams. Israel is bombing the shit outta Hezbollah, and vice a versa. The two Koreas are shooting small arms at each othe(ya just gotta know that will blow up into something bigger).
.....and what do we hear about? Mel Gibson gets arrested for DUI or DWI, cusses out the arresting officers, makes some anti Jewish remarks(probably do to his level of intoxication). The cops do there best, arrest the guy. Like the one deputy involved said, all I wanted to impress on Mr.Gibson was that the next time he drinks, he doesn't get behind the wheel of a car. OK fine.
The medias take.....ITS A COVER UP!!!!! The cops are trying to hide the fact that Gibson said naughty things about the Jewish people. Well guess what? There is a case against Mr. Gibson, the details of the conversations between the arresting officers are privilaged until the case is disposed of in a court of law. It's no ones business who said what until a verdict has been reached in court. If the officers were to release the information about who said what, that would jepordise Mr. Gibsons chances of getting a fair trial, if it goes that far. Aside from that....who Fu&%ing cares what Mel said? I for one don't. I'm more worried about the price of rising fuel costs and heating my house this winter. The costs of the medical attention my Senior mother gets......things that no one else seems to give a rats ass about.
But OH BOY OH BOY, lets work our selves up into a tizzy because a drunkin movie star and director got caught drunk driving, said some demeaning things about Jewish people, and the cops are trying to cover it up.......
I'm friggin sorry, give me a goddamn break, the press are assholes for blowing it up the way they did.
OH...and Mel!!??? Shame on you.....grow the you know what up...don't be drinkin and driving, and stop knockin the Jews. If anything, they need our support right now, especially in Israel. Thats right, I hope they kick the shit out of Hezbollah, and any other fanatical nut that tries to kidnap their soldiers.
Belive me, if our present administration had backed our soldiers in Iraq the way the government in Israel does their soldiers, we wouldn't be in the fix with all the shit our soldiers are getting accused of. Mark my words.
OK....I'm more ranting today........

Have a good day and good luck........
