Friday, December 30, 2005

Almost the New Year

Hello world......
Well it's Friday morning and the End of 2005 approachs, and the New Year is about to begin. I sit here wondering what pitfalls we will experience as Americans this year, I also wonder what benefits we will derive in 2006.
It seems that events are ever changing the enviroment we live in, new discoveries, old discoveries disproved or confirmed. Lifestle's change with world events, with the advent of immediate news reporting we can see our world change right before our very eyes.
I personelly would like to see a more peaceful world for 2006 as I think most people would...or I at least like to think most people would like to see a more peaceful world.'s hoping that the world leaders can get their shit together enough to accomplish something other than kidnappings, terrorism, and killing of innocents. Jesus...I sound like a damn liberal....maybe things change with age...I guess it's better than saying " Kill'm all and let God sort it out"
Happy New Year everyone, I seriously doubt that I will get a chance to do any blogging over the up coming weekend........



Thursday, December 29, 2005

NYS workmans compensation absurdity

Hello world.....
Hope everyones Christmas celebration was a joyful one, to those who didn't have a good Christmas you have my empathy.
Now to get on subject.....what I am going to RANT about is a true story, as I know it. It concerns someone very close to me. No names will be fourth coming, as such a disclosure could result in punitive actions by NYS workmans compensation board, this coming from a lawyer that was supposed to be representing the person involved. So let me lay the situation out.....
A woman is working at her job....a good employee, never calls in sick, never stiffs her boss, always reports for work on time, does her job. She injures her elboe in a fall while working. It becomes difficult for her to work, the injury doesn't appear to be healing, but getting worse. She files a claim with NYS workmans comp. They go through the regular motions of hearings, she gets scheduled to see a doctor. More than one surgery occurs. NYS workmans comp. calls for a review of her injury by another surgeon. He says more surgery won't repair the damage already done.......DAMAGE!!!??? damage that occured with the original injury, or was damage caused by the surgeries? Guess what......the compensation doctors don't know.... or won't say.
They do however state that she has a PERMANENT disability....this is written down and documented by the compensation board and discussed openly at the hearings.
At her last hearing however, the administrative compensation law JUDGE concludes that she has already exhausted the benefits available to her for the extent of her this hearing there is no langauge that even goes near or mentions a permanent disability, the JUDGE cancels all benefits, stating that she has already exhausted the time limit on an extremity injury and she is lucky to not have to pay NYS compensation back for benefits she already received that extended past the time limit for her injury.
The woman tried to protest, but was admonished by the compensation lawyer representing her, stating that if there ever was a settlement, her actions could jepordize the outcome of such a settlement.
This is how it happened folks, there is no deviating from the story here. This woman has a permanent disability here. Her quality of life has been extremely diminished....and not by her own doing. NYS compensation sorely dropped the ball her concerning her case. The lawyer that was supposed to be looking out for her was obviously looking to dispose of the case quickly and easily and collect his fees for his law firm or he was obviously "in bed" with NYS compensation so as to dissolve any responsibility in the case.
As it is, she is not looking for any monetary reward, she just wants an even chance at a job where she can pay her bills and support her family as she has been accustomed to in the past.
Watching her go through this and being a fair witness as to how the so called system has treated her.....I would call it totally lacking of responsibility. This woman like I mentioned before, she wasn't in search of more monetary assistance....NYS compensation just drastically cut her benefits, no further I know it's not their job to find her a job, nor is it their problem that she can't find a job or return to the one she left because of her injury. Although it's this mans opinion that there should be set aside so sort of aide for people facing this type of of now she is working...working very hard at two jobs, attempting to support her family and pay her current bills which she has fallen behind on.....I know...I know this sounds like a sob story. My point is that all she is looking for is a little help so she can find a good job that she can remain a productive member of she was before her injury at her job. The purpose of NYS compensation was to protect workers injured on the job until they can return to work and again be productive. In this case the theory and purpose of NYWS compensation was thrown out the window. The case certainly was not evaluated on it's merit, nor was it looked at objectionably.
I guess things really don't appear to be what they are supposed to be at all....especially in New York State.....such a shame....because you could live in a worse place......
Hats off to New York State workmans compensation......they really don't have compassion or concern for the people who make New York State a great place to live.....nice job guys....I hope some day you choke on it.......


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Union Troubles

Hey everyone, only three days to Christmas, yipee kiyea! How would ya like to be in New York City right now with the strike going on? Nope not me, no thanks. Hey...I belong to a union at the place I work at, I work for a school system, and I can't strike, or at least walk off the job. I can picket and protest in a peaceful manor non disruptive to the everyday operation of the school system.
Now I can sympathize with the men and women that work for the MTA in New York, not being appreciated. I can understand about the pension contributions too, companies and public employers are all feeling the crunch.The state of our economy is terrible. Who isn't feeling the crunch. If you aren't your either filthy rich, don't give a damn, or live on the Great Coral Reef. where was I ? OK sympathy for the men and women of the MTA....OK, now on CNN I was reading the comments of some of the commuters who have been directly affected by the strike. Their comments ranged from taking it in stride to " Hey the sons a bitches are geting paid more than the cops...what the frig do they want?" I haven't actually been able to verify how much these people actually get paid, but I'm sure it ain't a small piece of change. Anyway........I think unions can be a good thing and they can also be a liability to the livelyhoods of it's members, as in this case. Going out on strike knowing full well that it's illegal isn't going to help your cause, especially in New York City, and especially the week before Christmas. It tends to make ALL people not have a sense of humor about the situation and in this case may deminish the amount of sympathy other working people may have for those involved in the union. In this case the MTA in New York City. POOP!!!!! Who the hell typed that in there? Goddamit Brian, knock off the shit!!!!
OK, back to my expounding on the MTA strike. Believe me, I don't know what I would do in their situation. I really don't think I'd want to be fined three days of work for everyday that I was out on strike. Not good for the old paycheck.....anyway, just my musings about the MTA strike formed from what I can glean from the internet news services.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all........


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Christmas Spirit?

Mornin World.......How's it goin? I'm fine thanks. Let me expell a little about the so called Christmas Spirit these days. OK? Thanks.
The other day I was talkin on the phone with a business person about a time sheet I had just faxed to a company. At the conclusion of our business I wished the woman on the other end of the line a " Merry Christmas", and she replied in kind....during the conversation I was standing in a small foyer at the front of the building as I had to use my cell phone to conduct this business rather than my company I was ending the conversation a woman approached the door. Being the gentleman that I am I opened the door for her just as I was wishing the person on the other end of the conversation a "Merry Christmas".
The woman I had opened the door for stopped looked at me touched my fore arm and said" The correct wish should have been 'Happy Holiday' sir...." and then she went up the stairs to an office I suppose.
Ya know what? Number one it was none of her business as to what I was saying on the telephone. Number two it's Christmas so then, the correct and proper greeting is "Merry Christmas"....not "Happy friggin Holiday". Ok....OK....I know the Holiday actually means Holy day. Fine....but which one? Easter? Passover? Hannaka? Lent? Those are all Holy days.....If Christians believe in Christ, why then should they have to capitulate and give a generic greeting on their celebration of the birth of Christ? In the words of this author "it's all bullshit" . This debate takes away from what Christians are supposed to be celebrating....and thats the gift of GIVING, just for the sake of it, and the celebration that the baby Jesus had been born.
So politically correct lady in the doorway foyer, go pound salt up your you know where and friggin have a Merry Christmas.
With that I shall end this pontification about the nuances of Christmas Greetings, and to paraphrase a great reporter of our time......

Good Day and Good Luck,


Monday, December 19, 2005

It just don't make sense

Hello All!
Merry Christmas....yup I said ( or typed) Merry Christmas. Screw the Happy Holidays stuff. If ya say Happy Holidays which one are you referring to? MLK?, 4th of July?, Veterans Day?...or maybe Easter?
I don't know what you are thinking if you read this, but I do do know this.....I'm gonna say Merry Christmas.....not that I'm an ultra religious guy or anything, but it's supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus, er at least that was what I was last taught anyway.
Just because George Bush and his wife send out Happy Holiday cards don't mean nothing.
Even Santa Claus can't fly over the White House now. Apparently the NSA over heard a conversation between the jolly little fellow and a New York times reporter. So in light of this Cheney has denied Santa's flight clearence for the Washington area until Congress returns to session after the HOLIDAYS. I can't reveal my source of this information though because of the sensitivity of the on going investigation and the fact that they are a person of EXTREME importance.
Although I've heard through the grapevine that the NSA knows who told me....but they aren't they don't have the Cheney clearence to do so.
So until I'm summoned to court by the Clausgate special investigator, I ain't talkin....
OK...I gotta go....the NSA is threatening to shut off my computer......



Friday, December 16, 2005

I shake my head in disgust

Hello everyone, how's things goin? Good I hope( not that anyone reads my posts).
During my brief observance of what is taking place in recent politics, and Bushes latest comments, and new revelations about the Bush administration, I sit here and shudder. I just wonder what goes through this guys mind. Is he that arrogant that he can just do what ever he wants and thinks that he is not accountable? Apparently so.
It was appalling to witness his unemotional response to the question about how many Iragi's had been killed during the war......"...about 30,000 give or take...." WOW! Way to go George.
I wonder what kind of comments he makes about the deaths of American soldiers maimed and wounded during his little war foray......makes ya think eh? Well, good afternoon everyone, have a good weekend......
