Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I hate to say it........but........

It seems American politicians want it both ways these days. Now I'm no Bush fan by any means, and the Democrates don't seem to have their shit together either, so that kinda leaves me in the wind I'd say.
Lets review the DPW port deal. OK, six ports in the United States all on the east coast are now run by a company not in the confines of the United States(surprise,surprise). It's run by a British firm. So DPW buys up the franchise to run the ports from the British company or the purchased the British company, or Dell computers bought them all out.( I don't know the exact logistics of the deal is what I'm saying). At anyrate, the deal with ports is under fire.
President Bushs or the White House first reaction was that Bush didn't know about the deal. Then Bush gets on the podium and says the next day that there is absolutely no threat to the security and sovereignty of the United States borders.(Just ask the Border Patrol about the security and sovereignty of our borders in the southwest) Ok George, what ever you say. Now in the Bush administrations defense. According to different articles I have read, the Dubai government has been instrumental in helping the U.S. cause for the war on terrorism. Yes it is true that funds for the attacks on 9/11 were funneled through Dubai banks, but lets not forget that some of those funds came from the Saudi's. So how much of the fear we as Americans are fueling this debate with is realized, and how much is supposed?
The Republicans are now taking a bead on their own leader, the democrats are fueling the debate with doubts about the port deals. The infighting is intensifying, and our government is doing what? My opinion, getting weaker, and weaker, and weaker. Day by day the fight continues. The gaps in both houses get wider, the finger pointing goes both ways boys and girls.
We as a nation need to get our shit "TOGETHER".
Lets not forget the men and women in uniform over in Iraq, where it seems civil war is about to raise it's ugly head. Our people that haven't truely been caught in the cross fire are about to be. We have major concerns here inside our borders with health care, taxes, the rich getting richer, and the rest of us getting left behind.
Our country will probably be atacked again by terrorists. I think it's only a matter of time. I also think, as I have said before, we need to focus. This is a message we need to relay to our leaders. If the government continues it's in fighting, it weakens our status on a global basis, we will become ineffectual in our attempts to exert our worldly influence, and like it or not we do need to do this. We can't live with our heads in the sand, because our asses will stick up in the air, and they will surely be the next best target for whom ever.
So, I think we need to let our elected officials know exactly where we stand, do it with a letter, start on the local level, and work our way up the political food chain. I mean really.....CAN"T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!???

Hey!!!! Have a great day, and good luck.......


Monday, February 27, 2006

People with "BIG" egos

Hello everyone, haven't posted in some time. Today I'm going to talk about people with larger than life egos. You know who I'm talking about. The guy or gal that has a job, and they constantly insert themselves into other employees business just to show how damn important they are....when in reality they aren't.
A little back ground... My significant other was working two jobs, both part time. She has been searching for a full time job for approximately 36 months, and finally found one, and a pretty good one at that. Now for the rest of the story. The one job she was working at was for a temp. service. She was hired to supplement the security contingent at a Central New York State hardware store that is closing all it locations across the state. Her job was to sit at the ENTRANCE, give people a yellow dot or tag if the were bringing merchandise into the store for what ever reason. To say the least this is an extremely boring job, like watching grass grow. The store she was at wasn't extremely busy, so it kinda dragged on.
I don't live near where she does, it's about a 90 minute trip for me (traveling at approximate 72 MPH,yes I know I'm breaking the law). SO I try to see her once in the middle of the week and on weekends. I usually arrive in her neighborhood around 5 or 5:30.(yup still back ground) So I would go and visit her for awhile at her boring security job. Now mind you the MANAGEMENT at this particular location had no problem with me being there and talking to her. I think they would rather that, than her sitting in her chair dosing off(which did happen)
Well....one particular Friday night I was there for about an hour, there were absolutely no customers in the store. She and I both had discussions with a few of the other employess in the store, and the MANAGER was aware of my presence. After I left, a male employee of the store, a LOSS PREVENTION SPECIALIST that works for the parent company of the store that was closing, admonishes my girl for having me there. Telling her that it isn't professional and to stop and desist in the VISITATIONS while she is working. Mind you she was furious, as this guy has no supervisory capacity, he is a LOSS PREVENTION SPECIALIST. So at the time she still had no job prospects on and she really needed the job she had, so we agreed that my visists to the store while she was working would end.
Several, yes several weeks later, it was her last day on her so called security job. The temp agency had promised her employment until the end of March, but the parent company didn't want to keep the positions terminated, not just my girls, but all related positions. No two weeks notice, nothing, just your done as of Friday. Well it wasn't really that big a deal as she had just landed her new job.
Anyway.......she wanted me to come and see her since it was her last night there, so I said cool. I stopped picked her up a coffee. I was there about 40 minutes I think, well we are talking and I see a light flashing in my girls face, I turn around and here is this guy standing there, shining a flashlight innher face. Then the guys again admonishs her for having visitors. Now this guy is dresses like a wanna be street thug. Big baggy blue jeans, a watch cap, and a red security jacket.
Now....does this sound like professional conduct to you? Well believe me it wasn't. Know what else......It really pissed me off. Here is this weasel of a puke, inserting himself into a matter that, that is not under his pervue. Hence his ego is telling him he is more important than he really is.
I don't get pissed often, but I do get pissed. My anger with this asshole went to about 7.5 magnitude. I wnated a piece of this guy. The little crack dweller!
I'm no herculean behemoth, but I can handle myself. I can't believe this guy. He really didn't think he did anything wrong. All I can say is I thank my lucky stars that my girl just up and walked out, if I had stayed there, an incident would have followed. Mr. " LOSS PREVENTION" should also be greatful, for our quick exit, as he would get tired of drinking his meals through a straw in some nursing home or extended care facility....after he recovered from the severve beating I would have issued to him.
I know about now you are saying....."c'mon Chris, a little tolerence goes along way......" Ya know what, NO IT DOESN'T. Not with assholes like this dude. He's a wanna abe, he will step on anyone, do anything he can to make someone else look bad so he looks good. When I said I was going to complain to his boss, they all said that don't do it man. She loves the guy, he snitches everyone out at the other stores, then relays everything to his boss so she gets ahead up on all the alledged, notice I say alledged misdeeds of the other employees. I say this because I don't think this guy has any sense of himself or the real world.
At any rate, the incident is passed, it still pisses me off when I think about it. I gues we can only hope this low life crack dweller gets run over by a truck, and won't bother anyone anymore.......he thanks for reading.....coming at you soon.

Have a great day and good luck,


Friday, February 17, 2006

Whats real, and what isn't?

Good morning everyone....appears as though I'm starting a board meeting. Maybe I am, a board meeting of one.......ME!
Day after day I read the news, I view news clips of this and that. I read the pontifications expelled by the political pundits. I can't help but ask myself, whats real and what isn't. There is just so much crap in the news today, and most of it we could do with out. I mean I know bad things happen to people all the time, but does every " SPECIAL INTEREST" story about every horrific murder have to fill the spaces of the news services? I know we have become a society of instant gratification, but CRIEGHTON!!!???, do we have to hear about every damn incident? Then again maybe we do....to remind us that the world is full of horrific predators waiting and lurking, planning their next scathing kidnapping, and or a muder to silence a potential witness to their act of desperation.
I think the politicals love it, because it takes the focus off them and the particular piece of wool that they are trying to pull down over the American publics eyes. They hope that all the bad and horrific news stories will act as a subtrafuge until they have completed their manipulation of the political system.....and no one will notice.....until it's to late and all is said and done.
Then we have the sect of politicals who just don't give a damn about what they do, feel they are immune to public opinion and pressure, and just jam their programs down the publics perverbial throats.......
I speak out here as a forum to voice my opinion, does it matter? Yes it does to me. Will it make a difference? To be realistic, I doubt it. Then again I don't know that, nor does anyone else. I just get sick and tired of seeing things happen that shouldn't happen in a democracy. I'm tired of hearing the political pundits say...."thats what democracy is all about!!!" Sorry wrong. I think many people that are the powers that be have abused their powers. Some of it has been made public, but I truely believe that there is a lot of indescretions and abuse of power that we don't know about and probably never will. Just because we don't know about them doesn't make them any less dangerous, and they are still a threat to our democracy.
Politicians will say anything to get elected, then turn their backs after they are elected and say with a straight face......."I never said that, or It was taken out of context"....what baloney.
Our country is in trouble, real trouble, and people just go along and think, well this isn't that bad, or it's not as bad as it seems. That sentiment will take us to a place we don't want to be....and that place is fast approaching.

With that...have a great day, and good luck!


Thursday, February 16, 2006

At the local mall

.........One more thing. A little story about me and a thug at the local mall. Remember I'm retired law enforcement and don't have any sympathy for thugs.
I'm at the mall....Valentines day......Looking for a nice box of chocolates for my mother....As I'm leaving one store to go to another a thug, a black thug, wearing a red Adidas Jogging suit, enough gold around his neck to serve as the anchor for the Queen Mary. This guy was about 6'4" tall, and only weighed about 150 tops. I mean the guy has to tie knots in his knees to make a shadow.
Any way the guy speaks, says " Yo!What you doing hear white boy? At first it doesn't register that this dude is talking to me, so I ignore the question, and keep walking.....Well this somewhat incites Mr. Skinnyblack, now he has one of his man whores(also black) step in front of me. Now they have my full attention. I'm used to confrontation, so I'm not worried, and if it has to escalate, I'm always armed with an eclectic array of weapons. I tell manwhore butter ball to step aside, I have no beef with him....But Mr. Skinnyblack won't let it go.
It escalates, words are exchanged, loud and street profane. Although I notice that they aren't committed to a physical act.....Me I'm irritate on all accounts. I feel like I'm being accosted and other people in the mall aren't even trying to intervene. The security dude just goes the opposite direction.
Ok....So I know now that I'm on my own, and I've been down this road before too. I was an undercover narcotics investigator for 5 years.
I've got my Gerber folding knife in my hand, ready to thumb open the blade and start carving like it's Thanksgiving and the turkey is done.......Know what I mean. These dude thugs at least had the perception to notice that my demeanor had changed and I was ready to go.......They backed off and I continued my shopping. It deescalated that quickly. My heart beat returned to normal, the adrenalin pumping into my system slowed.
Now, someone please explain to me....In coherent terms.....Just what on earth in this country gives these people the right to act like this. Is it a racial thing, they have something to prove, or is it nonracial and they are just thugs. Please someone step up to the plate here and explain it to me. No one could the entire time I was a cop( 20 plus years). The Phd's and the psych people had fancy terms and phrases that described how these people acted, and they also had $5,000.00 excuses for similar behavior from people like this.
Believe me, I wasn't about to stab anyone, but I would have protected myself if it came down to it. I have a good job, that is secure, with good benefits. I really don't want to throw that away over some thug trying to show the world he has big(but probably skinny) balls. Just let me say that dudes like this aren't long for this world, and someday someone, maybe even me is gonna get feed up with this bullshit, and activity like it and do something about it....Or.....Maybe not...
I just wanted to share a bad experience I had at a mall, where civilization is supposed to exist.

Good night for now......



Now just a minute, please read the byline to the description of my blog

Hello and good afternoon world. I hope all is well, and I know damn well that it is not......
So what am I going to rant about today?......MORONS....thats what.
It has been mentioned to me that I should include some of my daily activities, and topics about what goes on in my life......to this I reply...read the description or byline to my blog. It explains what the blog is about, and I even invite comment. My blog is my opinion about what is taking place in the world today, my take on it ...OR my opinion.
I have a very mundane life now, not like when I was a cop. I work a 40 hour work week in a local school system. I have weekends and holidays off. I ride my Harely when the weather permits, and I ride even when most riders prefer not to.
I don't want to write about my life, as if it's anyones business anyway.
So lets get on with some of the other MORONS in the world today.
Lets take on VP CHeney and the press. As you all know the VP shot a guy, a friend of his. They were hunting on ranch in Texas. OK...bang....blood, pellets in the face and chest. The guy gets treated, afterwards suffers a heart attack because of the location of one of the pellets in or near his heart.
The press is furious about the story not being released for 22 or 24 hours or some such nonsense, after the incident occured.... I THINK, I repeat...I THINK...that the press is pissed because they didn't get a chance to get the scoop and the little Texas paper got the first dibs on a TEXAS sized story. All the news services are touting the secrecy and the arrogance of the BUSH administration. The dems and the repubs are acting like they are both majorly pissed about the shooting story being withheld and possibly an attempt at covering it up. I'm not defending the Bush guys, all I'm saying is lets get real. This is just a damnifying distraction from some serious issues that need to be dealt with. The number one priority should be the damn war. Jesus H Creighton.......as the Crock Hunter would say.
Just what in Hell are you guys in Washington doing? Now we have a half assed debate going on over an accident, and thats just what it was, an accident. Had it taken place in no-wheresville USA, it wouldn't have even made the wire services.
So politics is now sidelined when there are extremely dangerous and important maladies facing the United States. Some that may prove to be some of our greatest challanges yet. We have the intensifying insurgency in Irag.... Iran is enriching uranium.... Hamas is coming into power.... There is still the ever shortening world energy supply.... Our continental borders in the southwest are being breached by drug dealers backed by the Mexican Military....and Britney Spears is defying the paparrazi and the law by driving around with her daughter in her lap with out benefit of a child restraint seat.( Im sure there will be an up coming Congressional oversight committe organized to over see the use of child restraint devices) .
Like the title of my blog says.....just What is going on???!!!! I mean CRIMINEY!!!!!.....are you people in Washington for real, and I don't just mean the politicals. I mean the damn press pundits. Get over it, and lets move on. Now by saying this I'm not supporting the White House press Secretary either, he's just a dunce.
It is a unreal that we have to endure this, we certainly need to be concentrating on issues that may have catastrophic consequences for the US.

Oh well, have a great day, and good luck in all your endeavors.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This week in the news......what the F@#* ?

Good morning world.....sorry I haven't made any entries in awhile.....but after reading some of the news on the various web casts, I feel complelled to make comment.
Well, lets start with the flap over the cartoons about the Prophet Mohammed, I'm not a particularly religious person. I think everyone has the right to practice in their respective religion. I also feel that everyone has the right to their opinions, the freedom of speech. Now I know this only applies to our own sense of freedom and doesn't always hold true in other parts of the world. I haven't seen the alledegly negative depictions of the Prophet.
However I think the response in the Muslim world might be just a bit over the line. Burning buildings, storming military installations, and what you ...then we have President Bush flying along in Airforce 1, he decides to call the leader of Denmark and remark, "We are with ya, soladarity brother......." Now why did he have to do this and tell the world about it. I mean JESUS!!!!....the Muslim world community or a large portion of it is already miffed at us for Irag. So why not just get'm a little more riled up, what the hell.
Then we have the death of Mrs. King, and there were 4 presidents there, 3 prior, and the present Leader of our country. Man oh man did they ever blast good ole GW there....whew, but ya know what he never lets ya see him sweat. I would guess that he is that arrogant, or he just doesn't get it.
OK, now for my next bitch......I again venture to the US - Mexican border. Now we have a report of a recent incident involving a local Deputy sheriff encountering the Mexican Army, and folks it wasn't a joint exercise(no pun intended). According to MSNBC, the deputies were responding to a tip about drug smuggling along the border. When they arrived at the scene, they found an SUV stuck in the river. Mexican Army people were helping the drug smugglers to unload the vehicle. When the Deputy Sheriffs challaged the druggies, they beat feet across the river, and the Mexican Army guys took up defensive positions described as military maneuvering......so can anyone tell me whats wrong with this picture? Please?
Alas though, the Dems and the Repubs are once again fighting it out over the ethics reform, one accusing the other of some sort of nonsense, the other wondering what all the hupla is about.......and in the mean while we have regular Mexican Army soldiers breaking the sovereignty of our borders,aggressively, in the name of drug smuggling.
Personally, I think maybe we have some major problems in this country, especially with our borders in the southwest. I made reference to a similar problem about a local Sheriff in Laraedo Texas having trouble with the authorities in Nuevo Laraedo Mexico. Corruption, complacency, and fear of retribution from the drug cartels.
This incident involving Mexican Army people is not a new thing. It has been happening since around 1996, and there have been over 200 incidents with the Mexican Army crossing our borders. The Mexican Authorities of course deny any such activity.
The solution you ask? Lets give all the local police, sheriff's, Border Patrol agents some spare Humvees, lets arm them with twin .50 Cal. Brownings. When they encounter these Mexican Army regulars from now on, lets give our guys license to hail these subjects once, and once only. Then let them be dispatched with extreme predjudice. Lets give our guys the upper hand for once, and make a stand. It's time for the political posturing on both sides of the aisle to end, we need to make a stand on this issue of druggies being logistically supported by the military from another country.

Thats just the way I see it, so good day, and good luck, we have a long tough road ahead of us as a country, so lets be Americans and not forget what we are about. Have a good day everyone.
